gdl4u_licenseplateNew Jersey’s Graduated Driver License (GDL) program is a three-step process designed to help novice drivers gain experience and build skill while minimizing those things that cause them the greatest risk — distraction caused by passengers and the use of cell phones and other devices, driving late at night, and driving or riding unbelted.

To commemorate GDL’s impact on reducing teen driver crashes, injuries and fatalities, the New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition invites you to nominate the 2018 Class of GDL Champions.

What’s a GDL Champion? A person or organization that has worked diligently to educate, enforce and/or advocate for the proven principles of GDL.  Champions come from all walks of life — they’re teachers, parents, teens, community activists, elected officials, police officers, businessmen and women, reporters, driving school instructors, safety professionals, and more.  Many people and organizations have contributed their time, talent and energy to help enact, implement and/or promote New Jersey’s GDL program.  Here’s your chance to say thanks to someone for being a driving force behind a program that is addressing the number one cause of teen death — car crashes.

To nominate a GDL Champion, complete and submit the online form below by April 16, 2018.
Questions? Contact Anne Vivino at 973-267-7600 or

All nominations will be vetted by a panel of teen safe driving experts.  The 2018 GDL Champions will be announced on Thursday, May 31, 2018 at the Forsgate Country Club, Monroe, during Global Youth Traffic Safety Month, recognized at an awards luncheon and featured on






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