Keeping Our Students Safe
Teaching life-long safety lessons to our kids is one of the most important things they learn in school. We are committed to helping teachers of all grade levels, by providing lesson plans and virtual learning tools you can use anywhere. We are here to help you – from teaching all ages how to be safe walkers and cyclists to preparing teens to drive.
Get lesson plans, activities and videos by grade level:
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Teach strategies and habits that will help protect children from sustaining a brain injury and encourage transportation safety. Source: Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey. Sections include:
- The Brain
- Safe to School
- Sidewalk Safety
- Motor Vehicle Safety
- School Bus Safety
- Getting Out of Vehicles Safely
- Pedestrian Safety
- Helmet Safety
- Bicycle Safety
- Transportation Safety Songs & Rhymes
Brain Injury Guides
These comprehensive guides provide school nurses, families and educators with information on brain injury as it relates to a child’s education and health needs.
- Road & Street Safety Coloring Pages -Download and print
- Pedestrian Safety Activities and Coloring Pages -Download and print
Source: AAA Northeast
- Riding the School Bus (Preschool)
Teach your class about important safety rules while riding the bus with these great activities and books.
Source: Bright Hub Education
- Bicycle Safety (Preschool)
Help students establish safe bicycle riding habits early in life to ensure lifelong fun and safety.
Source: Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey
- How to Teach A Child to Ride a Bike
Experts will guide you through the steps of teaching a child to ride a bike.
Source: REI Co-op
- Bicycle Safety Activity Kit (Download and Print)
Source: US Department of Transportation-National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Franklin Rides a Bike (2016) 7.36 min
Watch this video from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration with your class to reinforce safe cycling habits.
- Meet “Kate, Jane and the Brain”. Kate and her three-year-old Boston Terrier, Jane, will help us learn about the brain and ways to keep safe. Follow Kate and Jane through their adventures as they entertain and teach us important lessons.
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Let Kate, Jane and the Brain teach your students about safety in a fun and interactive way.
Watch these videos »

- Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum (Grades K-5)
Teaches and encourages pedestrian safety for students grades K-5. It is organized into five lessons: walking near traffic, crossing streets, crossing intersections, parking lot safety, and school bus safety.
Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) - Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety (Grades K-8)
A selection of lessons and teaching tools for youth-focused bicycle and pedestrian safety based on curriculum currently in use throughout the United States.
Source: Safe Routes New Jersey - Pedestrian Safety Lesson Plan and Activities (Pre-K-Grade 2)
Students will learn safe walking practices and how to avoid dangerous situations.
Source: AAA Northeast - Safe or Unsafe? -Identifying Risky Pedestrian and Bike Behavior (Grades 1-3)
Students will acknowledge safe or unsafe behaviors when it comes to riding a bike or walking, by looking at images depicting risky and less risky behaviors
Source: AAA Northeast - History of Pedestrian Safety (Grades 5-8)
Students learn how pedestrian laws have evolved and why they are so important for everyone’s safety.
Source: AAA Northeast - Pedestrian Safety Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8)
Students will learn why walking is a healthy activity and why it is important to practice pedestrian safety skills. Through videos and research of digital resources, including information provided by government agencies, students will acquire knowledge of safe walking practices.
Source: AAA Northeast - History of School Safety Patrol (Grades 5-8)
Students will learn how the AAA School Safety Patrol program has evolved over 100 years. Through reading, writing and verbal communication students will understand the role of a patroller and its importance of leadership and safety.
Source: AAA Northeast
- Road & Street Safety Coloring Pages – Download and print
- Pedestrian Safer Journey (2015) 5 min
- Walk This Way: Pedestrian Safety for Young Children (2015) 3.5 min
- Car & Bus Safety (Grades K-2)
Activities will help teach your students all about car and bus safety.
Source: KidsHealth in the Classroom
- School Bus Safety (2016) 5 min
- School Bus Safety Tips from Princeton Police Dept. (2015) 2 min
- Bicycle Safety (K-3rd Grade)
Help students establish safe bicycle riding habits early in life to ensure lifelong fun and safety.
Source: Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey - Bike Safety (Grades 6-8)
These activities will help your students learn about bike safety and how to stay injury-free while riding bikes.
Source: KidsHealth in the Classroom - Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety (Grades K-8)
A selection of lessons and teaching tools for youth-focused bicycle and pedestrian safety based on curriculum currently in use throughout the United States.
Source: Safe Routes New Jersey - Bike Safety-Mike Harte Was Here (Grades 5-8)
A multi-week lesson on helmet safety. Through writing, verbal presentation and research of digital resources, students will acquire knowledge through realistic fictional literature, as well as informational resources.
Source: AAA Northeast
- How to Teach A Child to Ride a Bike
Experts will guide you through the steps of teaching a child to ride a bike.
Source: REI Co-op
- Brochures: Proper Bike Equipment; How to Correctly Fit a Helmet (Spanish): Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Always Wear A Helmet (2014) 2 min. – animated for young children
- Bicycle Safety for Children – After School with KJ (2015) 4 min.
- Franklin Rides a Bike (2016) 7.36 min
Watch this video from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration with your class to reinforce safe cycling habits. - HELMETS – Happy Family Show | The FuZees Eps 13 (2015) 8 min
- Protect Your Egg – Riverside High School Champion School (2019) 0.44 sec.
- Meet “Kate, Jane and the Brain”. Kate and her three-year-old Boston Terrier, Jane, will help us learn about the brain and ways to keep safe. Follow Kate and Jane through their adventures as they entertain and teach us important lessons.
- Safe Routes Safety Snippets: How to Lock Your Bike-NJ Safe Routes to School (2020) 1:30 sec.
High School
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Looking for a fun interactive way to engage your students?
Check out our Champion Schools Program »

- Don’t Walk Distracted – Bound Brook High School Champion School (2019) 0.59 sec.
- 70 Rules of Defensive Driving: Expert Robert Schaller shares wisdom from teaching defensive driving. Each tip can be used to spark discussion in classroom.
Source: Roadtrip America - Factors that Impact Driving: Students explore factors that impact driving and driver safety, including speed, environmental conditions, and driver behaviors.
Source: Teen365 - Promoting Safe Driving/Choices on Prom Night: Students explore ways to promote safe driving on prom night. In this driver education lesson, students interview people about driving on prom night. Students design a poster with their researched quotes and discuss the topic in the hallways as a promotion event for safe driving on prom night.
Source: Lesson Planet - Survival Defensive Driving (9-12): Students build understanding around why defensive driving is an important skill. They’ll discuss strategies for improving driving safety.
- Source:
- Car Care and Basic Maintenance (Grades 9-12)
Part of being a safe driver is ensuring the vehicle is “road ready.” Students will learn the importance of proper vehicle maintenance to reduce the risk of breakdowns as well as learn useful items to keep in the car and learn about work zone safety awareness.
Source: AAA Northeast (Please link to Car Care and Basic Maintenance Grades 9-12) - Understanding Gas Prices (Grades 9-12)
Students will learn the factors that influence gas prices and address how the cost of gasoline should be factored into personal budgeting upon vehicle ownership.
Source: AAA Northeast (Please link to Understanding Gas Prices (Grades 9-12) - Your Driving Costs: Budgeting for Car Ownership (Grades 9-12)
Students will learn what they should consider when purchasing or leasing a car and be able to identify the “hidden” costs of car ownership for use in preparing a budget.
Source: AAA Northeast (Please link to Your Driving Costs Grades 9-12)
Online Teen Driver Safety Programs from NJM:
- Share the Keys
Share the Keys is a 60-minute, interactive program for parents and their teen drivers. Offered free of charge to schools, the program increases awareness and encourages community involvement to help keep teen drivers safe.
Source: NJM Insurance Group - What Do You Consider Lethal?
What Do You Consider Lethal? is an evidence-based created by our partners at Impact Teen Drivers, a non-profit dedicated to saving lives by empowering people to drive safer. This engaging program is designed to help teens avoid reckless and distracted driving by making responsible decisions.
Source: NJM Insurance Group
- Don’t Drive Stupid
New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety innovative program to educate young drivers about staying safe behind the wheel. Free resources for educators.
- The Science Behind Safe Driving
Learn how the fundamental principles of physics apply to driving in this digital interactive. Students will learn why understanding the Laws of Motion is an essential part of practicing safe driving habits.
Interactive Let’s Begin!
Educator Companion Guide
Source: Teen365 - Test Your Knowledge on Safe Driving
Be prepared for teen driver education! Are you prepared to teach your students about avoiding distractions? Quiz yourself on the facts of safe driving.
Source: Teen365
- 10 Road Safety Tips for New Drivers (2015) 6 min.
- 10 Tips for New Drivers (2013) 5 min.
- I Know Everything About Safe Driving (2012) 1.5 min.
- Impact of a 40 MPH crash – Center for Road Safety (2016) 0.36 sec.
- The Mourning After – John P. Stevens High School Champion School (2016) 2.05 min.
- Teens Behind the Wheel (2014) 56 min. documentary
- Teens Learn Importance of Seatbelts with Simulator (2015) 1.5 min.
- Understanding Car Crashes: It’s Basic Physics (2015) 22 min.
- Safe Driving – Dealing with Distractions Lesson Plan (2018)
Students will be able to identify key factors associated with teenage traffic collisions, and gain a better understanding of consequences associated with inexperienced and distracted driving. Students will also be able to identify the rules and allowances of their State Graduated Driver’s License Policy.
Source: TeenDrive365
- GDL Information from Allstate (2008) 1 min.
- Kyleigh’s Law (2008) 7 min.
- Safe Driving – Dealing with Distractions Lesson Plan
Students will be able to identify key factors associated with teenage traffic collisions, and gain a better understanding of consequences associated with inexperienced and distracted driving. Students will also be able to identify the rules and allowances of their State Graduated Driver’s License Policy.
Source: TeenDrive365 - Teen Knowledge Activity (9-12)
In this activity, students create an interactive glossary of important terms and concepts related to the idea of distracted driving. Students use their interactive glossary to create an informative pamphlet, then distribute their pamphlets to peers.
Source: TeenDrive365 - Distracted Driving (Grades 9-12)
Students will be able to identify the types of distracted driving and understand the risk involved with distracted driving and the penalties for handheld devices
Source: AAA Northeast
- Heads Up Driving Challenge
Can you keep your cool behind the wheel when distractions are everywhere? In this interactive you will experience a variety of distracted driving dilemmas, including cell phones, food and even your friends.
Source: TeenDrive365
- Arrive Alive Don’t “Blank” and Drive – Hampton Academy Champion School (2019) 1.06 min.
- CADENCE One decision. A multitude of consequences. AA (2016) 11 min.
- Carpool Karaoke #itcanwait – AT&T (2016) 0.58 sec.min.
- Distracted Driving (2013) 2.5 min.
- Drive Safely – Haddonfield Memorial High School Champion School (2016) 3.51 min.
- New Dangers of Distracted Driving (2015) 1 min.
- One Decision – Project Yellow Light (2019) 1.07 min.
- Stick to Safety – Project Yellow Light (2019) 0.37 min.
- Sarah’s Story – Ohio Public Safety (2016) 4 min.
- Teens caught on Tape: ABC Nightly News (2015) 6 min.
- The Distracted Mind (2013) 1.5 min.
- The Unseen on the Road #itcanwait – AT&T (2016) 3.37 min.
- Drinking & Driving: Students select resources related to issues of drinking and driving. They explain and discuss the dangers of mixing drinking and driving using notes from Internet investigations and write an essay.
Source: Lesson Planet - Drowsy Driving: The Causes and Effects of Drowsiness
Students will assess how drowsiness affects them and determine steps that they, or someone who is driving, can take to help reduce it.
Source: Scholastic - Let’s Sleep on It: Students share opinions about facts related to sleep and analyze their own experiences and observations.
Source: The New York Times Learning Network - Impaired Driving (Grades 9-12)
Students will learn about alcohol’s effects on the developing brain and the consequences of drunk driving. Students will also consider planning for alternate transportation, such as having a designated driver or using a ride-sharing service.
Source: AAA Northeast (Please link to Impaired Driving Grades 9-12) - Shifting Gears: The Blunt Truth about Marijuana and Driving (Grades 9-12)
This E-Learning module is designed to explain the effects of marijuana on the brain and to educate high school students on the risks of driving while impaired by marijuana.
Source: AAA Northeast (Please link to Shifting Gears Grades 9-12)
- With Motorcyclists: The For Car Drivers website provides safety tips, video instruction and other resources for car drivers on sharing the road with motorcyclists.
Source: Motorcycle Safety Foundation - Sharing the Road with Other Road Users: The Zutobi website provides information on Sharing the Road with all types of users, including bicyclists, motorcycles, trucks, slow moving vehicles, low speed vehicles and horse-drawn carriages
- Driving and The Impact on Teen Drivers
Source: Impact Teen Drivers
Basic overview of seven unique lesson plans for defensive driving. Lesson plans include: persuasive essays, physics, law enforcement, role play scenarios and history of safety features in vehicles - Help Prevent Speeding, Help Save Lives: A Math Lesson
Students will discuss the causes and effects of speeding and solve word problems about stopping distance before developing a script for a public service announcement.
Source: Scholastic
- 25 Saves Lives – Burlington County High School Champion School (2019) 1.04 min
- Dr. Christian Conte: How to Deal with Road Rage (2016) 12.15 min.
- Mellow Yellow – Columbia High School Champion School (2019) 1.26 min.
- Slow Down and Move Over (2016) 2.02 min.
- Are You an Aggressive Driver? Quiz
Source: Highway Traffic Safety School - Driving Advice: Aggressive Driving
Source: AAA
- Bikeology: A Middle and High School Bicycle Safety Curriculum for Physical Education Teachers and Recreation Specialists
- Protect Your Egg – Riverside High School Champion School (2019) 0.44 sec.
Looking for some other ideas to spark a discussion in the classroom? Here are some teen driving blogs and web-based simulation games:
Blogs | Web-Based Driver Simulation Games |
Lend Us Your Lesson Plan
Do you have a lesson on a safety topic for pedestrians, bicyclists or teen drivers that you’d like to share with other educators? From single topic worksheets and activities to videos and full lesson plans, we will post them here for other teachers.
EMAIL US YOUR LESSONEducational YouTube Series
Meet “Kate, Jane and the Brain”. Kate and her three-year-old Boston Terrier, Jane, will help us learn about the brain and ways to keep safe. Follow Kate and Jane through their adventures as they entertain and teach us important lessons.
Workshops and Webinars
The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey hosts traveling workshops for teachers, such as Introduction to Brain Injury, Concussion in the Classroom and Helping Students with Brain Injury. We also provide a wide variety of presentations on topics such as pedestrain safety, bike and helmet safety, teen driving safety and concussion awareness.
Help Your Students Become A Champion School – Create A Safe Driving Campaign!
The Champion Schools program is an opportunity for New Jersey high school students and staff to develop campaigns to promote teen driving safety. Each year we look for creative projects that will raise awareness and make an impact on new drivers. Students can use social media, videos, blogs, traditional media or other means to help spread their message.

Road-Tested Resources
The following is a list of trusted resources that offer up-to-date information on safety topics:
- Find your local NJ Safe Routes to School Coordinator – video (2017) 2.5 min
- NJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center – Online Image & Data Library
- NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety
- Safe Kids New Jersey
- YOURS: Youth for Road Safety
- Youth and Road Safety Action Kit – A simple guide developed by youth to inspire young people to get actively involved in road safety.
Downloadable Action Kit