RBRHSDBD – Cage the Rage
How many students heard the message of your project?
Estimated percentage of your student body?
Who has your project aimed to reach?
Freshman class, Sophomore class, Junior class, Senior class, School professionals, Parents, Community at large
This year’s Cage The Rage Campaign focuses on how everyday life situations can cause people to drive angry. This anger can lead to serious consequences while driving. We also explore how passengers can do their part to help the driver by not distracting them and being a positive influence while in the car.
We plan on using April’s National Distracted Driving Awareness Month to push out our message. We will be using our school’s TV studio and YouTube Channel to get our message out to the entire school population along with sending the videos to each household in our district. With this method, we plan on reaching 1200 students along with each of their households and the school staff and community.
Also, during both lunch periods, the students will be at a table talking to the students and getting them to pledge to Drive/Ride Safe. There will be giveaways and a large “Cage” that the students can be photographed in and then posted to social media.
Target Audience:
We targeted the entire student body and the community as a whole.
Our project was based on many different PSA created by the students. These Safe driving PSA’s were then shared to the school via district wide email along with posting them on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram . A table was also set up during April during both lunch clocks to promote safe driving and have the student body pledge to drive safe.
We used our class time with the four levels of Media Production to work on our campaign. Once a week we dedicated the time strictly to discussions and updates on the project.
Use of resources:
We had discussions with our administrators and our School Resource Officer in order to better focus on the topic along with using their connections to help spread out messages.
Use of media:
Once the videos were completed, we uploaded the files to our YouTube Channel which was linked to our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Accounts. The teachers in the school also showed each PSA to their classes in order to reach everyone.
All our PSA’s showed many different types of distracted driving. Some showed facts, some showed positive results from not driving distracted and so showed the negative results from doing so.
The fully impact will not be seen right away but the positive responses from each of the PSA’s showed us that people saw and understood the messages.
From the feedback from the teachers and former students, it has made us aware that we have impacted the. Teachers are constantly asking what we are doing each year for our message and look forward to seeing the PSAs and former students reach out to me to tell me stories how driving safely has saved their lives and lives of their friends in college. They seem to be thinking twice before doing anything negative in a car and they have also prevented their peers from doing the same.
Unexpected Lessons Learned:
One unexpected result was that a former student did get into a drunk driving accident while in college and he told me that he wished he really played attention to our messages because he is feeling the negative results of his decision. He realizes that he was stupid and that the PSAs were more then a project but a way to be safe on the road.
Stipend Reporting: Your school received a stipend to support your Champion School Teen Driving Safety Project. Additionally, any funds that you raised as a result of your project must be reinvested into transportation safety. The purpose of this report is to itemize expenditures for your project that were paid from the stipend
Materials for car – $150
T-shirts – $400
Extra Promotional Items – $200
Extra material for puppets – $100
Food for activities – $100
Total $950