Save A Stang
How many students heard the message of your project?
Estimated percentage of your student body?
Who has your project aimed to reach?
Sophomore class, Junior class, Senior class
Save A Stang is a program that was developed last year in order to identify common negative behaviors that specifically young drivers often display. Distracted driving is one of the number one causes of teenage accidents. Members of the Marlboro HS SADD organization, came together through meetings and activities to acknowledge these distractions, and troubleshoot ways in which to bring attention to these behaviors to our school community.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this project was the sophomore, junior and senior classes.
SADD members met to brainstorm ideas for this project. They found that distracted driving was the most common concern. Once they identified what they wanted to convey to their peers, the students developed a few initiatives within the building. We currently hold a candlelight vigil each year during the month of December to bring attention to the dangers of drugged and impaired driving. This initiative serves as a reminder to not only our students but the community as well. Our students were fortunate enough to receive a 4 part curriculum sponsored by HONDA to deliver information about the dangers of distracted driving. These lessons were taught by the SADD members to our Drivers Education class students. These lessons included activities and projects highlighting the importance of safe driving and learning strategies to incorporate in the prevention of distractions.Students then created a slide presentation that was utilized during our Junior Driver Safety Program to highlight these areas as well. This presentation was a requirement to attend in order to park on our schools campus senior year. SADD students also planned activities for the week of April 24th to highlight Safe Driver Awareness Week. Students made daily informational announcements, and had a table set up during lunch for the week which includes information on safe driving, swag as well as opportunities for students to take the pledge not to be a distracted driver.
Use of resources:
We collaborated with our Alliance and police department on the Candle Light Vigil. We also spoke with our school resource officer and community services unit to discuss current trends that they were seeing.
Use of media:
We posted information on our internal televisions within our school, shared information with our local community through an email blast, shared information in our weekly newsletter, made daily announcements and posted on twitter and instagram.
Our project demonstrates an understanding of teen driver safety because we provided statistics and factual information. We utilized these facts and statistics to create and deliver in house programs that addressed teen driver safety.
We measured change through feedback surveys at the end of our drivers education classes.
We believe the information that we shared with the students made an impact. Students participated in hands on projects that supported teen driver safety. When students are an active participant, they are more prone to retain the information. In addition, the presentations were delivered by their peers which is typically more engaging.
Unexpected Lessons Learned:
Some students were very surprised at some of the statistics and enjoyed personal stories that were shared by their peers.