How many students heard the message of your project?

Estimated percentage of your student body?

Who has your project aimed to reach? 
Freshman class, Sophomore class, Junior class, Senior class, School professionals, Parents, Community at large

RBC’s objective is to educate the RBC community on NJ’s Three Road Safety Laws. We introduces the Move Over law. The Stop and Stay Stopped Law and the Safe Passing law.We made the students aware why these laws were so needed, what these laws require us to do and the consequences if we do not obey these laws. With the ultimate goal, that once the RBC community was enlightened to realize the power that they have to make a difference in our state and make our roads safe for everyone traveling

After getting the results from our survey we truly believe the RBC community is not informed about these laws and if so not to the full extent they need to be to keep our roads safe.

Target Audience: 
Our target was the entire RBC community, especially our student drivers.

We felt the whole student should be aware of this campaign because some of our younger students ride with older siblings and neighbors and should be educated on the responsibility we all have, including their parents in keeping our roads safe for everyone.

We began with a survey about the familiarity with these Road safety laws. After that we saw education was definitely was needed to educate.

Red Bank Police was very big help in assisting us with a plan to do this.

Hands on was the way to teach, so we had our students create and demonstrate what these laws require us to do. A teachable moment surprising happened when the seniors were on retreat and we had 175 students crossing in a crosswalk as the on coming car stopped and stayed stopped. Our Just Drive Tee shirts came back and the kids were more than excited to deign and share this with the kids. The kids loved them especially because the back of the shirts demonstrates the

3 laws so clearly for all to see. Our Casey driver were given key chains to remind them to Just Drive and make good decisions prom tme and all times. Driving is a responsibility for all of us and we asked speakers that became involved and advocated for these safe driving laws because they it was personal. The presentations of these speakers really made a difference in our Caseys lives. The implementation of this campaign met our students at a physical, emotional educational and personal level.

Our club met twice a month on our T days which the entire student body meet in their clubb. We used this time for brainstorming, creating setting goals for the campaign. During the next two week we work in smaller groups on the assignment to the just drive campaign. This worked the best for us this year. There are videos and pictures in our video to support this.

Use of resources: 
In our research we saw Governor Murphy’s name on the New Safe Passing law. We reached out and explained to the Murphys our campaign and the Brain Alliance and U Got Brains Champion School Challenge. In return The Governor and First Lady gave a shout out to Red Bank Catholic and brain Alliance of NJ.

Police Department of Red Bank helped us develop and create and demonstrate two of the NJ Safe Roads in our parking lot. Mrs Setaro came and spoke to our students about he origin of the Move over Law her personal behind he law. This truly affected our students in a sad but very positive manner . We also invitee Michaela Tsaptsaris, a senior from Ridgewood HS, also a competitive cyclist who testified in front of the assembly about the dangers of riding a bike on NJ roads. The Safe Passing law was signed put into effect 3/1/2022 and is the strongest law in the country concerning the safety of the most vulnerable ones on the road. We also had Michael McCormick from NJM insurance who showed a video that really opened the eyes of our students, about distracted driving .

Use of media:
Instagram blast sent all posts to @justdrive
Our Just drive PSA
RBC website

After our campaign we discussed how kids are really powerful and can do great things when they are inspired and motivated for the right reasons.

Students saw the vulnerability of people on the roads and it was clear the drivers have the power when driving the car. Students saw driving as a privilege but said that they underestimated the responsibility that comes with a license. this was measured by observation and quality of work.

After doing this for 10 years, this campaign had the most impact measured by their desire to be involved. Our Principal and our students want to do a parent campaign next.

This year many of our students were totally into this campaign. They were because of the research that they did and learned how much these laws we needed. Once we contacted our speakers and they presented our kids were motivated to get their message out there. Mrs Setaro’s pain and Michalyea’s determination all made a difference and will save lives.

These were life long lessons.

Unexpected Lessons Learned:
After our campaign we discussed how kids are really powerful and can do great things when they are inspired and motivated for the right reasons

Stipend Reporting: Your school received a stipend to support your Champion School Teen Driving Safety Project. Additionally, any funds that you raised as a result of your project must be reinvested into transportation safety. The purpose of this report is to itemize expenditures for your project that were paid from the stipend

Key chains – $400.00

Editing video – $100.00

tee shirts – $500.00

Total – $1000